VLA For Burke Bros
The Boniface VLA product has been part of the Burke Bros fleet for a number of years and has proven itself time and time again to be both robust, reliable and extremely versatile. This latest vehicle is the first of several units due to be completed over the next few months – all of which form part of Burke Bros ongoing fleet replacement program.
The VLA has been and continues to be a popular choice amongst operators throughout the UK. It’s simple operation via a single push button or lever control makes it quick and easy to use. In addition, the VLA provides a high payload, quiet operation and smooth deployment – all of which promote a positive professional image to the customer. It easily handles everyday recoveries such as large vans and cars but is equally capable of moving high value - low clearance prestige vehicles. The VLA’s deck is durable, light weight, incredibly strong and provides a very low approach angle.
This latest MAN 12.250 fitted with a Boniface 5t capacity aluminium VLA slidebed and 2t capacity 2nd car lift, has been built to the Burke Bros usual high specification and includes many optional extras specified by the customer. These include side winching points on the bed, a low winching facility allowing casualties to be winched onto the 2nd car lift, polished stainless steel locker boxes, wrecker kit, full radio remote control for the bed and winch, several sets of strobe lights including ones on the tilt frame which become the highest point when the bed is deployed and many other accessories. The VLA’s rugged aluminum deck provides resistance from rust and corrosion keeping the vehicle looking great for much longer than a steel bed. It also provides both increased payload and fuel economy. A standard feature of the VLA is the manually operated sliding 8,000lb hydraulic winch allowing the operator to easily maintain a straight pull on the casualty’s towing eye. The 2t capacity 2nd car lift is adjustable for both width and tyre size which means the operator can move anything from the smallest car to the largest van. As with most Boniface slide beds, the subframe and tipping frames are galvanized to help prolong equipment life and the body is fitted with a range of LED lighting helping to ensure years of reliable service. As well as the radio remote control, the VLA also comes with manual lever controls which are housed in a control locker at the rear providing a valuable backup in case the remote is lost or damaged.
If you would like to know more about what makes the Boniface VLA different to other low approach slide beds give us a call on 01842 754232 and one of our friendly knowledgeable staff will be happy to help. Don’t forget to follow our social media pages to keep up to date with all the latest news and developments.